
all of the training modules in Italian under the Percorsi project


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Comprendere la Storia di Dio

Price €8.00

The Percorsi training module of Understanding God's Story in Italian.

The Percorsi training module of Understanding God's Story in Italian.


Price €8.00

The Percorsi module of Apologetics in Italian.

The Percorsi module of Apologetics in Italian.

Unione con Cristo

Price €9.00

The Percorsi module of Union with Christ in Italian

The Percorsi module of Union with Christ in Italian

Cura Pastorale 1

Price €9.00

The Percorsi module of Pastoral Care in Italiano.

The Percorsi module of Pastoral Care in Italiano.

Cura Pastorale 2

Price €8.00

The Percorsi module of Pastoral Care in Italiano.

The Percorsi module of Pastoral Care in Italiano.

Lo Spirito Santo

Price €8.00

The Percorsi module of Union with Christ in Italian

The Percorsi module of Union with Christ in Italian